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Anti-Aging Hacks

Dec 22, 2019

On this episode of Anti-Aging Hacks, I speak to Dr. Thierry Hertoghe who is the President of the International Hormone Society. 

We speak about the following topics:

1. What age Hormones drop in Women and which ones to Balance

2. What age Hormones drop in Men and which ones to Balance

3. How to Reverse Aging Now and...

Dec 12, 2019

On part II of this episode of Anti-Aging Hacks, I discuss the following with Dr. Stephen Cabral:

1. How to fix your Digestion and Gut Health

2. How to Stop Energy Leaks in your body

3. How to Stop Hair Loss and Get Better Hair 

Dr. Cabral approaches medicine from a holistic perspective, with a blend of Eastern and...

Dec 5, 2019

On this episode of Anti-Aging Hacks, I talk to a Naturopathic and Ayurvedic Doctor and ask him about his approach to Anti-Aging and Longevity.

Topics we cover:

1. Why losing weight is his #1 approach to a long and healthy life

2. Why Detoxing is so important in this world full of toxins

3. Which lab tests can quickly...