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Anti-Aging Hacks

Aug 29, 2022

On this podcast, Faraz Khan and Zora Benhamou discuss how to boost energy in women over 50.

Zora Benhamou is a gerontologist, podcaster, and biohacker on a mission to challenge many health paradigms about women over 50.

She is an international speaker on aging and longevity, specializing in relieving fatigue in peri- and post-menopausal women.

Zora is 52 years old, is a digital nomad, traveled to over 50 countries, lived in 8, and speaks 6 languages. She founded the website, the Hack My Age podcast, and is the author of the Longevity Master Plan and cookbook Eating For Longevity.  

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1. Zora’s Background

2. What Is a Gerontologist?

3. What Happens To People Mentally As They Age?

4. What Are Key Findings From Zora’s Travels and Learning About Gerontology?

5. What Are Some Issues That We Don’t Cover In The Biohacking Community

6. What’s Changing In A Woman’s Body After Menopause?

7. Is Thyroid A Problem For Women?

8. How To Preserve And Increase Energy For Women Over 50?

9. How Is Biohacking For Women Over 50 Different From Men Or Younger Women?

10. What Can People Do Today To Increase Chances To Live Longer?

11. Zora’s Program To Reboot Energy For Women?

12. Where Can You Find Zora