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Anti-Aging Hacks

Jul 16, 2022

On this episode, Faraz Khan and Dr Ron Sinha discuss the diabetes epidemic and how to take simple steps to slow down and reverse it.

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Dr. Ronesh Sinha is a physician and world’s leading insulin resistance expert. His work in reversing diabetes and insulin resistance in diverse populations has received global attention with front cover stories in Fortune Magazine and the LA Times.

Topics of discussion on this episode:

1. How Dr. Sinha got into medicine, TedX talk and work with major silicon valley corporations

2. Why are people aging faster in busy corporate jobs such as the ones in silicon valley?

3. Why high carbs are usually the culprit for a host of metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity and even heart diseases?

4. What happens in your body when you eat a lot of carbs? Where do they get stored and how do they end up as fat?

5. What are the different types of fat and which ones are more dangerous than others?

6. Do different ethnicities store fat differently - caucasians, latinos, asians and african americans?

7. What are some test markers to determine if you are metabolically unhealthy?

8. The difference between higher glycemic carbs and lower glycemic carbs?

9. Why the total amount of carbs are important - regardless of glycemic index?

10. How to reduce the negative effects of carbs in your body?

11. How stress worsens the damage of carbohydates?

12. Where to check out Dr. Ron's tips for metabolic dysfunction?