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Anti-Aging Hacks

Mar 25, 2019

Dr. Udo Erasmus joins us today on the show. He is the co-owner of the UDO’S CHOICE brand, a global leader in cutting edge health products as well as an accomplished author including Fats and Oils; Fats that Heal Fats that Kill that has sold over 250,000 copies worldwide. 

We discuss the important of the essential...

Mar 25, 2019

In this episode we discuss the basics of the main hormones in the male and female body: Testosterone and Estrogen. We discuss levels of Testosterone and Estrogen in the male and female body. We discuss levels of Estrogen before menopause, during menopause and after menopause. 

We discuss Thyroid testing with TSH, T4 and...

Mar 23, 2019

Welcome to a sneak peak of Anti Aging Hacks. We will interview top experts in anti-aging, health, mind, body, cosmetic surgery, exercise and lifestyle to bring you tips to look younger while you live longer and healthier. We will explore  secrets from eastern and western medicine, biohacking, studies of centenarians,...