Apr 6, 2022
On this episode, Faraz Khan asks the chief medical officer of WebMD, Dr John White, about the shocking cases of diabetes and what can be done to reverse or manage this dangerous disease.
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Here are some of the topics we discuss:
1. Dr John Whyte background
2. Why does WebMD exist?
3. Why is there such a shocking increase in diabetes and pre-diabetes
4. Lets get definitions out of the way: what is prediabetes and what is considered diabetes? Also touch on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
5. Diagnosis methods. Fasted blood test vs. HbA1 vs. OGTT. Explain the difference to the audience and which one is more accurate?
6. Do your genes play a role in diabetes?
7. Let's get into exactly how in the body people get pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes; What is the internal mechanism in your organs and cells of how you go from a normal person to diabetic?
8. What are the complications of diabetes? It looks like a lot of organs and systems can be affected by diabetes, what are some of the big ones for the audience?
9. Can we reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes
10. How can people monitor their status to see if they are approaching the danger zone? Is a fasted blood test once or twice a year enough, or should people be monitoring it more closely with continuous glucose monitors or other methods?
11. Can we truly cure pre-diabetes and diabetes? What does it take?
12. Let's talk food choices. please expand on how people's food choices can have such a big impact on diabetes.
14. Do supplements such apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, berberine, bitter melon, fenugreek work?
15. Where do the pharma dugs fit into the model like metformin?
16. What is a good exercise protocol to stave off or manage diabetes effectively?
17. Where can people find you online?
Get the full show notes for this episode on https://antiaginghacks.net